Tips on moving in summer

Moving is very stressful task in every season whether it’s winter or summer. Most of the people love to move during summer season as they and their children are probably on summer vacation.

Moving in summer during the peak season is not as easy as you might think. Summer can be the busiest time of the year for removal companies.

In New Zealand, moving in summer is a great idea as there is less rain and less wind as compared to winter weather. Here are some tips given below for your stress-free move in summers:


1. Hire removal company early:

The first thing is to search for right and best removal companies and make a list of all those companies. Then make a short list of the companies that fits under your budget and make sure they are trustworthy.

Hire the moving company in advance as we know that summer is the busy time for moving into a new house.


2. Stay hydrated during extreme heat:

Moving in summer can be a bit hard and risky when the weather happens to be extreme hot on your moving day.

Don’t forget to bring and apply your sunscreen on time as we all know that sun is very harsh in New Zealand. If you forget to apply sunscreen on time, the heat may burn your skin.

Also, it is very necessary to keep yourself hydrated and cool in the hot summer weather. Always pack your bottled water and cold drinks with you to keep yourself cool, calm and happy.


3. Use clothes for packing:

When you are packing your stuff, always pack your warm clothes first. Also, you can use your warm clothes as padding for things to pack. Use blankets when packing up your crockery and fragile items.

By using the clothes as a padding, you can save your money. It can save your time as well because you don’t have to go to shopping centre to buy packing materials.

The things which can’t be wrapped and packed in warm clothes, those will be packed by your professional movers in an efficient packing material.


4. Sell or donate unwanted things:

When you are packing your household stuff for moving, always remember to put aside those items which you are not using anymore. By declutterring the things can make some storage in your new house.

One of the best advantages of moving to a new house in summer is the chance to declutter your unwanted items and organise a profitable garage sale. Make some attractive and thoughtful pamphlets or boards and advertise them in your neighbourhood to sell those things. By selling those things you will collect some cash towards your summer moving budget.

If you don’t want to sell your unwanted things, you can also donate them to a needy person. You can also donate them in an organisation.


5. Get Utilities set up

Make sure you get utilities set up before your moving day. It would be very difficult to get where you are moving and have no utilities in hot summer season. When you are moving into a new home, this includes installing the utilities in your new home before your moving day.

You need electricity, water, air conditioner and a functional bathroom, so that you can move into your new home without any kind of stress and hassle. It is a good idea to turn on the utilities the day before you move so that you can turn on the air conditioner and prepare yourself for the hard work of settling into your new home.

Don’t forget to book your best furniture movers in Auckland for any house moving in Auckland.